Unique sustem generated transaction number. The first transaction will be transaction number 1, the second 2 etc... .
Amount spend for the expense type.
Currency. Defaulted to your home currency.
Expense type : expresses why this movement took place. One transaction can be booked against multiple expense types : e.g. Go shopping and spend 1000 dollars (one payment) on food ($500), books ($200) and office equipment ($300).
Amount of money (or value) to book on this To-account.
To-account : the account to which the money (or value) went. Lucky you if it is an 'Own-Property account'
Amount. If this amount is not equal to the amount entered in the upper-part of this dialog, another From-detail will be generated for the difference.
Currency. Changing this will cause the default amount to be converted to this currency.
From-account : enter (or select or drag-drop) the account from which the money came. If you know the account number, you can type this number and the account will be selected for you.
Free text. Enter a reference to an invoice, an order or any document that caused this transaction. Possible value : 'Invoice Nr 13784' etc... . Will be used later for searching and to link transactions to invoices, payments...
Amount. If you enter a value here, WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? will help you keeping From, To and expense-types balanced. If you leave this to 0, you'll have to do that yourself. If you have only one debet, credit or expense type, this amount will be copied.
Currency of the transaction. Your local currency is the default.
VAT nr of the counterparty. Optional entry. If the owner of the From account (income) or to account (expenses) has a VAT number, WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo? will use that VAT number. If not, you can still enter a VAT number here. For future use.
Transaction date : enter dates in the format specified in the Date&Time control panel.
A long (optional) description for this transaction. Up to 255 characters.
A short description for this transaction; maximum 35 characters.